Foreign Food – It’s Just Not The Same

by admin on June 15, 2010

On my trip to New Zealand my hosts were very hospitable and looked after me very lavishly. They produced a fantastic roast dinner when I arrived and served up a joint of hogget. Hogget is sheep and best described as being older than lamb but younger than mutton. We don’t eat it much in the UK bur we should – it’s absolutely delicious!

Next night my hosts made a great looking pork stew but as I was eating it I felt something wasn’t quite right. Nothing I could put my finger on, just a feeling of unease caused by the food.

I ploughed on saying how nice it was but I was actually starting to feel a bit queasy. I’ve eaten lots of strange things in South East Asia (duck brains for instance) but nothing made me feel like this. And then the revelation came in dinner table talk.

“There was so much hogget left last night I just chopped it up and put it in with the pork. Different isn’t it?”

Oh yes, it was different – but it wasn’t right though. And everyone I’ve told this story to has had the same reaction – it’s an un-natural combination.

Here’s the recipe:

Brown 1kg of lean pork
Take 1lb of cooked hogget
Throw the hogget away
Eat the pork

hogget before after

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