New Years Day in Sianhoukville

by admin on January 1, 2009

Just a quick post as the internet connection is well dodgy here.  Those of you back home will probably be delighted to hear that it rained most of last night!  OK, it was warm, tropical rain – but it was still rain.

The beach here curves around in a crescent and gets pretty busy with travellers and Cambodians alike.  The Cambodians love fireworks and for about 10p you can buy something that’s like a 3 foot long, thin roman candle.  You hold this in your hand and point it out to sea.  The resulting fireballs either fly off for a couple of hundred feet and explode or else they just flop out off the end of the tube and fizzle miserably on the beach.

You have to have your wits about you walking on the sand!  Anyway, from dusk last night till after midnight all you could see along the curve of the beach were hundreds of these fireworks going off evety minute – very spectacular.  Add in all the smoke they produce, the rain, a bit of sea mist and the smell of the fireworks, it was all pretty atmospheric.

Sorry – no pics.  This pc won’t let me upload.

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