Bangkok to Hanoi – Pt 1

by admin on December 14, 2008

Yes, I have been busy today updating this millstone of a blog.  Still, it’s waaaay too hot for a fair skinned European like me to be outside this afternoon.  Much more comfortable to be in my air conned room writing this stuff  –  I do hope someone out there is reading it.

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Moving on from Bangkok on Monday, flight booked to Hanoi. Big thanks to the guys at for organising my Vietnamese visa at very short notice. Basically you contact them, fill in a few details, pay them a reasonable amount and they organise for your Visa to be completed and issued at Hanoi airport where you pay a $25 stamping fee. Of course I’ll have to revise my opinion if I turn up at Hanoi tomorrow and there isn’t a visa for me…….

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